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- åAlerts and Dialogs
- This section presents all of Disinfectant’s alerts and dialogs, in
- alphabetical order, with a brief explanation of each one.
- • A virus may still be active in memory. Some of your files may have or
- could become reinfected. You should immediately restart your Macintosh
- using a locked startup floppy and run Disinfectant again.
- When you quit after a disinfection run, Disinfectant checks to see if any
- infected files were found in the currently active System folder. If any
- were found, this alert is presented.
- Click the Restart button to restart your Macintosh. Click the Cancel button
- to return to Disinfectant. Click the Quit button to quit Disinfectant.
- • An old version of the Disinfectant INIT is installed on this system. Do
- you want to install the new version?
- When Disinfectant starts up, it checks to see if an old version of the
- Disinfectant INIT is installed in the currently active System folder or
- Extensions folder. If an old version is installed, this alert is presented.
- Click the Install button to install the new version. Click the Cancel button
- to leave the old version installed. Installing the new version also removes
- the old version.
- • An unexpected error (nnn) occurred while trying to save a file.
- This alert is presented if Disinfectant encounters an unexpected error
- while trying to save a copy of the manual, a report, or the protection
- INIT. This alert should not happen. If it does, it might be an error in
- Disinfectant and we would appreciate it if you would notify the author.
- • Disinfectant has found an infected file.
- This alert is presented if, while running in the background under
- MultiFinder, Disinfectant finds an infected file and you have selected the
- “Also display alert” option in the “Notification options” section of the
- Preferences window.
- • Disinfectant is unable to repair files on this system. One possible reason
- is that you are using Gatekeeper and you forgot to grant Disinfectant
- privileges. Another possible reason is that you are using the special
- University of Michigan version of Vaccine (Vaccine.UofM). You must
- remove this version of Vaccine from your System folder before using
- Disinfectant to repair files. You may use Disinfectant on this system to
- check for viruses, but you will not be able to use the Disinfect button to
- repair infected files.
- Some virus prevention tools can interfere with Disinfectant in such a way
- that it is impossible for Disinfectant to properly repair infected
- applications. If Disinfectant detects such a virus prevention tool, it
- presents this alert. When you click the OK button, the current scan is
- canceled and the Disinfect button is disabled.
- The version of Vaccine mentioned in the alert is not the normal Vaccine. It
- is a special version that was prepared just for the University of Michigan.
- You may also get this alert if you are using the regular version of Vaccine
- and you click the Denied button instead of the Granted button by mistake.
- • Disinfectant requires attention.
- This alert is presented if, while running in the background, Disinfectant
- requires your attention (for some reason other than the discovery of an
- infected file) and you have selected the “Also display alert” option in the
- “Notification options” section of the Preferences window.
- • Disinfectant requires a Mac 512KE or newer model. It does not work on
- the Mac 128K, 512K, or XL.
- Disinfectant cannot be used on Macs with the old 64K ROMs.
- • Disinfectant requires System 6.0 or later.
- Disinfectant requires System 6.0 or later. If you try running Disinfectant
- on an earlier system, it will present this alert. When you click the OK
- button, Disinfectant quits to the Finder.
- • Out of memory. Disinfectant has unexpectedly run out of memory. Use
- the Finder’s “Get Info” command to give Disinfectant more memory, then
- try running it again.
- This alert is presented if Disinfectant runs out of memory. When you click
- the “Quit” button, Disinfectant quits.
- If you get this error, you should give Disinfectant more memory. Select
- the Disinfectant program icon in the Finder. Select the Finder’s “Get Info”
- command in the “File” menu. Increase the amount of memory allocated to
- Disinfectant in the Get Info window. Close the Get Info window. Run
- Disinfectant again.
- In most cases, if Disinfectant does not have enough memory to check a
- file, you will get the error message “There is not enough memory to
- check this file” in the report section of the main Disinfectant window, and
- then Disinfectant will continue to scan the next file. The “Out of memory”
- alert described here is much less common, although it is possible in some
- unusual circumstances.
- • Please wait…
- This message is displayed if you eject the disk containing Disinfectant
- and/or the System file. Before ejecting the disk, Disinfectant loads all the
- information from the disk that it might need later. This can take quite
- some time, so you should be patient.
- • Printing error—could not locate printer driver in System folder.
- This alert occurs if you try to print a report or the manual and the printer
- driver has not been properly installed. For example, to print on an
- ImageWriter, you must have the system file named “ImageWriter” in the
- same folder as your System file.
- • Printing error—the startup disk is full.
- This alert occurs if there is not enough room on your startup disk to
- complete a printing operation. Try to make more room on your startup
- disk, then try printing again.
- • Printing error—the startup disk is locked.
- This alert occurs if printing fails because the startup disk is locked.
- Unlock the startup disk, or create an unlocked copy of your startup disk,
- and try printing again.
- • Printing error—you must use the Chooser to select a printer.
- This alert occurs if you try to print when there is no currently selected
- printer. Use the Chooser desk accessory to select a printer.
- • Printing error (error code = nnnn).
- An unexpected error occurred during printing. “nnnn” is the error
- number. This alert should not occur. If it does, we would appreciate it if
- you would send a note to the author. Please specify the error number
- reported in the message. Click the OK button to return to Disinfectant.
- • Printing “xxxxx.” To cancel, hold down the Command key and type a
- period (.).
- This informative message is displayed during printing.
- • Replace existing “Disinfectant INIT”?
- This alert is presented when you install the protection INIT if a file with
- the same name already exists. Click the Cancel button to abort the file
- save operation. Click the Replace button to delete the old file and replace
- it by the new one.
- • Save report before clearing?
- When you clear the report, Disinfectant checks to see if the report
- contains any messages for infected files. If it does, this alert is
- presented. There are three buttons: Save, Cancel, and Clear. The Save
- button presents a dialog which lets you choose the location of the saved
- report, saves the report, and then clears the report. The Cancel button
- returns to Disinfectant. The Clear button clears without saving the report.
- • Save report before quitting?
- When you quit Disinfectant, it checks to see if the report contains any
- messages for infected files. If it does, this alert is presented. There are
- three buttons: Save, Cancel, and Quit. The Save button presents a dialog
- which lets you choose the location of the saved report, saves the report,
- and then quits. The Cancel button returns to Disinfectant. The Quit button
- quits without saving the report.
- • The application “xxxxxxxxxx” is infected by the yyyyy virus. Use
- Disinfectant to remove the virus.
- This alert is presented by the Disinfectant protection INIT when it detects
- an infected application.
- • The Disinfectant protection INIT has been installed. You must restart
- your Macintosh to activate the INIT. WARNING: If you restart now, you
- will lose all changes to any documents which may be open in other
- applications! To restart now, select the Restart button. To return to
- Disinfectant without restarting, select the OK button.
- This alert is presented when you select the “Install Protection INIT”
- command.
- • The disk cannot be repaired because it is locked. Please unlock and
- reinsert the disk.
- If you try to disinfect a locked floppy disk, Disinfectant ejects the disk
- and puts up this alert. Unlock and reinsert the disk. Disinfectant will
- automatically begin scanning and repairing the disk as soon as you
- reinsert it. You can use the Cancel button in the alert to cancel the
- operation and return to Disinfectant.
- • The disk cannot be repaired because it is locked. Please unlock and
- reinsert the disk or insert the next disk to be repaired.
- This second form of the unlock alert is used only when the special
- “scanning station” option is checked in the Preferences window. In this
- case, you can either unlock and reinsert the original disk or you can insert
- some other disk. There is no Cancel button in this situation.
- • The disk “xxxxxxxxxx” is infected by the yyyy virus. Rebuild the
- Desktop file on the disk or use Disinfectant to remove the virus.
- This alert is presented by the Disinfectant protection INIT when it detects
- a WDEF-infected disk or a CDEF-infected disk.
- • The document cannot be printed because some pages would be truncated
- on the bottom. To correct this problem, use the Page Setup command.
- Make the margins smaller or make the font size smaller.
- This alert may appear if you try to print with a large font size and/or
- large margins.
- • The document cannot be printed because some pages would be truncated
- on the right. To correct this problem, use the Page Setup command. Make
- the left and right margins smaller or make the font size smaller. You
- might also try printing with landscape orientation instead of portrait
- orientation.
- This alert may appear if you try to print with a large font size and/or
- large margins. If you are trying to print a report in a very large font size
- (over 18 points) and you get this alert, try using the Page Setup command
- to select landscape orientation instead of portrait orientation.
- • The file could not be saved because the disk is full.
- This alert appears if you try to save a report or the manual and there is
- not enough room on the disk to save the file. Click the OK button. You may
- then try to save to a different disk.
- • The file could not be saved because the old version of the file is locked.
- This alert appears if you try to save a report or the manual or if you try
- to install or save the protection INIT and there is already a locked version
- of the file. Unlock the old version of the file and try again.
- • The font size must be in the range 1 through 24. Please correct it or
- click the Cancel button.
- This alert appears in the “Page Setup” dialog if you enter a ridiculous
- font size.
- • The INIT file “xxxxxxxxxx” is infected by the INIT 1984 virus. Use
- Disinfectant to remove the virus.
- This alert is presented by the Disinfectant protection INIT when it detects
- an INIT file which has been infected by the INIT 1984 virus.
- • The margins you specified are too large. Please make them smaller or
- click the Cancel button.
- This alert appears in the “Page Setup” dialog if you specified margins
- that are too big. Disinfectant requires that there be at least a five inch
- square available for printing after taking into account the margins and
- page size.
- • The protection INIT could not be installed because the startup disk is
- locked.
- This alert is presented if you try to install the Disinfectant protection
- INIT on a locked startup disk.
- • The report is too big. It must be saved or cleared before the scan can
- continue. Save the report?
- Disinfectant has an upper limit for the size of the report. Most people will
- never be affected by this limit. If you produce a very long report which
- approaches the size limit, you will get this alert, with three buttons:
- Save, Cancel, and Clear. Save is the default button. It saves the partial
- report as a text file, clears the report field, and continues the scan. The
- Cancel button cancels the scan without clearing or saving the report. The
- Clear button clears the report field without saving and continues the scan.
- If you have a single floppy system, you may eject the disk being scanned,
- insert a different disk, and save the report on that disk. Disinfectant will
- then ask you to reinsert the disk being scanned.
- • The stack “xxxxxxxxxx” is infected by the MacMag virus. Use
- Disinfectant to remove the virus.
- This alert is presented by the Disinfectant protection INIT when it detects
- a MacMag-infected HyperCard stack.
- • This copy of Disinfectant has been damaged, infected by a virus, or
- otherwise modified. Please delete this copy and use an original unmodified
- copy.
- Disinfectant checks itself when it starts up and notifies you if it has been
- modified. This may mean that it has been infected by a virus. If this
- notification occurs, you must remove this particular copy of Disinfectant
- from your disk and replace it with a known “good” copy of Disinfectant.
- • You selected the page range xxx through yyy. There are no pages in this
- range.
- This alert appears when printing if there are no pages in the range you
- requested. Nothing is printed in this case.